Sunday 22 March 2015

22 March - End of Fourth Week

The site continues to be cleared and is now almost complete.  The demolition team have even done a spot of gardening and removed all the bushes and shrubs surrounding the site. All that is left over now is the dividing wall between the garages and the main building.

Now the site has been cleared you get a real feel of the size, it looks a lot bigger!

This is a short aerial video of the site, it's my first one so please excuse the quality. 
The next ones will be much better...

Saturday 14 March 2015

15 March - End of third week

Well, lots has happened this week!  The roof was stripped on Monday, then partially removed Tuesday. Wednesday the building started to be taken down and by Friday it's all but gone.  Significant progress made by the demolition team (Robin Thomas, Caernarfon).

Just the garages to be removed now and the site will be cleared ready for the new building.

Sunday 8 March 2015

8 March - End of second week

The roof has started to come off, the inside is empty. Not too much work done this week probably due to high winds and generally bad weather.

1 March 2015 – End of week one!

Well it’s the end of the first week and the old building has been cleared out, the inside is almost empty.  Next week the roof will start to be removed and finally the walls will be taken down.

23 February 2015 – Work starts

Not much to see yet but work has started on the site…!


Welcome to the New Life Revival Church building blog!

This page will chart the progress of the new community center in Colwyn Bay with pictures and information.

25th January 2015 – The Start

This is how the plot looks before the work starts. The plot was a YMCA building until it closed in 2006 when it fell into disrepair. The building was known as ‘the birthplace of scouting in Wales’ and was a popular building in Colwyn Bay for many years and served the community well. It was last used as a youth club until December 2006.